Check out the latest CORSHIP Research Insight – this time summarizing the outcomes from desk research and 10 expert interviews around the current offer of corporate entrepreneurship education.

The 5 key findings of the report suggest that

  • educational offers dedicated specifically to corporate entrepreneurship are scarce and scattered;
  • the majority of the courses offered are related to general entrepreneurship in combination with innovation and various aspects of management and business issues;
  • there are only a few courses dedicated specifically to corporate entrepreneurship;
  • the provision of online courses in this domain by different universities and business schools is spread around the world with gaps in the portfolio; and
  • companies rely mostly on their internal resources and learn from their own or others’ experience of corporate entrepreneurship, as they are mainly looking for practical tools and best practice solutions to apply in their projects.

Enjoy reading the full report with all details and get in touch, if you have questions or you want to give your feedback.