Event “Joint Innovation In 2020: How Corporates, Startups and Universities Jointly Unlock Potentials” – hosted by CORSHIP.

Forward-thinking, established companies are turning innovation challenges into opportunities and increasingly teaming up with fast, creative startups to jointly disrupt whole industries. The competition to survive is replaced by the collaboration to thrive – to thrive in this new, exciting ecosystem of opportunities.

However, this is only true for selected actors – the majority is not making use of this collaboration potential. Universities are widely not even part of this movement, while corporates and startups face unexpected barriers during their co-innovation journey, often resulting in frustrating termination of the collaboration.

Join us for an exciting evening, together with great players from the corporate, startup & university world, to discuss the key challenges existing in corporate-startup-university collaboration and how to overcome them:

+++ Andreas Kreiner, Technologist and Strategist @KTM Innovation, Wels
+++ Alisson Avila, Co-Founder @Beta-i, Lisbon
+++ Adèle Yaroulina, Business Developer @European Startup Network, Brussels
+++ Sebastian Jagsch, Global Head of AVL Creators Expedition, Graz
+++ Agnieszka Żur, Professor on Entrepreneurship & Innovation @Cracow University of Economics, Cracow
+++ Martina Hölzl, Startups and Digitalization @Raiffeisen Landesbank Steiermark, Graz

In addition to the panel discussion, the upcoming student program TECC-Training on Entrepreneurship & Company Creation will be introduced – jointly developed by FH JOANNEUM International Management, AVL Creators Expedition & Raiffeisen Landesbank Steiermark, starting this March. Also, the EU-project CORSHIP – Corporate Edupreneurship will present innovative tools to create a joint language between corporates, startups and universities. After the panel session, there will be a buffet & drinks for all event participants.

>> Hosted by FH JOANNEUM International Management | Corship – Corporate Edupreneurship | Creators Expedition – an AVL initiative | TECC-Training on Entrepreneurship & Company Creation <<